• Specification number WG Status
    Target Release
    TSG Status
    Work Item
Data pager
Data pager
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 7 items in 1 pages
 Spec #CR #Revision #CR CatImpacted VersionTarget ReleaseTitleWG TDoc #CR status at WGWG meeting refWG Source informationTSG TDoc #CR status at TSGTSG meeting refTSG Source informationNew VersionWork ItemsRemarks
See details 29.198-080017-D5.0.0Rel-5Add text to clarify relationship between 3GPP and ETSI/Parlay OSA specifications Details N5-020777 agreedCN5#19 Details NP-020395 approved N55.1.0
See details 29.198-080016-A5.0.0Rel-5Correction on use of NULL in Data Session Control API Details N5-020764 agreedCN5#19 Details NP-020435 approved N55.1.0
See details 29.198-080015-F5.0.0Rel-5Add text to clarify requirements on support of methods Details N5-020721 agreedCN5#19 Details NP-020435 approved N55.1.0
See details 29.198-080014-F5.0.0Rel-5Add P_INVALID_INTERFACE_TYPE exception to IpDataSessionControlManager.createNotification(), resulting in new createNotifications() method Details N5-020715 agreedCN5#19 Details NP-020435 approved N55.1.0
See details 29.198-080013-F5.0.0Rel-5Introduce new method getNotifications to correct the result type of IpDataSessionControlManager.getNotification() to permit retreival of all created notifications. Details N5-020714 agreedCN5#19 Details NP-020435 approved N55.1.0
See details 29.198-080012-F5.0.0Rel-5Remove P_SERVICE_INFORMATION_MISSING and P_SERVICE_FAULT_ENCOUNTERED exceptions from DataSessionControl methods. Details N5-020635 agreedCN5#19 Details NP-020435 approved N55.1.0
See details 29.198-080011-F5.0.0Rel-5Remove duplicate exception from IpDataSessionControlManager.createNotification() Details N5-020633 agreedCN5#19 Details NP-020435 approved N55.1.0