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 Spec #CR #Revision #CR CatImpacted VersionTarget ReleaseTitleWG TDoc #CR status at WGWG meeting refWG Source informationTSG TDoc #CR status at TSGTSG meeting refTSG Source informationNew VersionWork ItemsRemarks
See details 23.28807213B18.0.0Rel-18Procedure to retrieve ML model from ADRF Details S2-2303550 agreedSA2#155Intel, NTT DOCOMO Details SP-230062 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28807142C18.0.0Rel-18Updates to FL procedure related to the maximum response time Details S2-2303537 agreedSA2#155Samsung, SK Tel... Details SP-230061 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28807071C18.0.0Rel-18Update for ML model provisioning with model identifier Details S2-2303145 agreedSA2#155Ericsson Details SP-230061 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28807062B18.0.0Rel-18Support Model Information Exchange for Federated Learning in 5GC Details S2-2303536 agreedSA2#155Ericsson, ETRI,... Details SP-230061 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28807052B18.0.0Rel-18Updates on pending notifications handling by NWDAF Details S2-2303529 agreedSA2#155Ericsson Details SP-230061 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28807042B18.0.0Rel-18Add new parameters to Redundant Transmission Experience analytics Details S2-2303786 agreedSA2#155Ericsson, Huawe... Details SP-230061 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806992B18.0.0Rel-18Enhance WLAN performance analytics for Federated Learing member selection Details S2-2303739 agreedSA2#155vivo Details SP-230054 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0AIMLsys
See details 23.28806971A18.0.0Rel-18Corrections for historical analytics exposure procedures Details S2-2302069 agreedSA2#154-AH-eHuawei, HiSilicon Details SP-230039 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph2
See details 23.28806961A18.0.0Rel-18Corrections on immediate notification in subscription response Details S2-2302065 agreedSA2#154-AH-eEricsson Details SP-230039 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph2
See details 23.2880695-A18.0.0Rel-18Corrections to Data Delivery and Data Collection via DCCF and via MFAF Details S2-2301310 agreedSA2#154-AH-eEricsson Details SP-230039 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph2
See details 23.28806931C18.0.0Rel-18Data Storage Management Details S2-2301996 agreedSA2#154-AH-eNokia, Nokia Sh... Details SP-230061 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.2880690-C18.0.0Rel-18Data storage in ADRF using DataSetTag. Details S2-2301271 agreedSA2#154-AH-eNokia, Nokia Sh... Details SP-230061 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806898B18.0.0Rel-18MTLF-based ML Model Accuracy Monitoring Details S2-2303546 agreedSA2#155Nokia, Nokia Sh... Details SP-230061 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806831B18.0.0Rel-18Procedures for network data analytics in roaming Details S2-2301458 agreedSA2#154-AH-eCATT, Qualcomm,... Details SP-230061 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806771B18.0.0Rel-18KI#7 23.288 CR for UE mobility analytics to assist FL operation Details S2-2301588 agreedSA2#154-AH-eCATT, Samsung Details SP-230054 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0AIMLsys
See details 23.28806753B18.0.0Rel-18New NWDAF service supporting for AnLF assisted MTLF in accuracy monitoring Details S2-2303531 agreedSA2#155China Telecom, ... Details SP-230061 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806731B18.0.0Rel-18Procedure for accuracy monitoring at NWDAF containing AnLF Details S2-2301985 agreedSA2#154-AH-eChina Telecom Details SP-230061 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806711B18.0.0Rel-18Enhancement of Service Experience Analytics to assist federated learning operation Details S2-2301585 agreedSA2#154-AH-eETRI Details SP-230054 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0AIMLsys
See details 23.2880669-C18.0.0Rel-18Optimizing data collection and storage by NWDAF registration in UDM for all Analytics IDs Details S2-2301001 agreedSA2#154-AH-eOrange Details SP-230061 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806663B18.0.0Rel-18NWDAF discovery and selection for an NWDAF supporting MTLF with FL capability Details S2-2303535 agreedSA2#155Lenovo, Vivo Details SP-230061 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806653B18.0.0Rel-18NWDAF analytics to detect URSP enforcement Details S2-2303515 agreedSA2#155Lenovo Details SP-230065 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eUEPO
See details 23.28806584B18.0.0Rel-18KI#1: Update for supporting analytics feedback Details S2-2303530 agreedSA2#155ETRI, vivo, Lenovo Details SP-230061 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806531B18.0.0Rel-18UE Mobility analytics enhancement Details S2-2302008 agreedSA2#154-AH-eHuawei, HiSilic... Details SP-230061 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806515B18.0.0Rel-18Relative Proximity Analytics Details S2-2303788 agreedSA2#155Samsung, KDDI Details SP-230061 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806471B18.0.0Rel-18Enhancements to Analytics Reporting Information and NWDAF output Details S2-2302007 agreedSA2#154-AH-eVivo, Orange, N... Details SP-230061 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806461B18.0.0Rel-18NWDAF data collection from LCS system Details S2-2302006 agreedSA2#154-AH-eVivo, Rakuten Mobile Details SP-230061 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806453B18.0.0Rel-18KI#4 Optimization on the collection and reporting of network data Details S2-2303526 agreedSA2#155China Mobile Details SP-230061 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806418B18.0.0Rel-18ML model storage and retrieval via ADRF Details S2-2303891 agreedSA2#155China Unicom, L... Details SP-230061 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806401B18.0.0Rel-18Update on Multiple ML models for an analytics ID Details S2-2301983 agreedSA2#154-AH-eVivo Details SP-230060 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806377B18.0.0Rel-18Analytics/ML Model Accuracy Monitoring Functional Description Details S2-2303890 agreedSA2#155Vivo, Lenovo,Hu... Details SP-230060 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806361B18.0.0Rel-18Roaming architecture for data or analytics exchange Details S2-2301991 agreedSA2#154-AH-eVivo, Nokia, No... Details SP-230060 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806351B18.0.0Rel-18TS 23.288 enhancements for model sharing. Details S2-2301999 agreedSA2#154-AH-eVivo Details SP-230060 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806344B18.0.0Rel-18Enhance NWDAF to enable Federated Learning Details S2-2303533 agreedSA2#155vivo Details SP-230060 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806332B18.0.0Rel-18Enhancements on QoS Sustainability analytics Details S2-2303508 agreedSA2#155LG Electronics,... Details SP-230060 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806318B18.0.0Rel-18QoS sustainability analytics with fine granularity enhancement Details S2-2303892 agreedSA2#155China Mobile, H... Details SP-230060 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806304B18.0.0Rel-18ENA_Ph3 DCCF relocation in TS 23.288 Details S2-2303564 agreedSA2#155China Mobile, N... Details SP-230060 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.288062811C18.0.0Rel-18Update for Federated Learning among Multiple NWDAFs in TS 23.288 Details S2-2303885 agreedSA2#155China Mobile, N... Details SP-230060 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806271B18.0.0Rel-18KI#10 NWDAF interaction with MDAS/MDAF in TS 23.288 Details S2-2302011 agreedSA2#154-AH-eChina Mobile Details SP-230060 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806256B18.0.0Rel-18KI#2 Clarification on PFD Determination Analytics in TS 23.288 Details S2-2303782 agreedSA2#155China Mobile, K... Details SP-230060 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806221F18.0.0Rel-18Clarification on enhanced Network Performance analytics Details S2-2301581 agreedSA2#154-AH-eLG Electronics,... Details SP-230054 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0AIMLsys
See details 23.28806166B18.0.0Rel-18KI#7 - 23.288 CR for adding UE Transmission Latency Performance Analytics Details S2-2303832 agreedSA2#155Nokia, Nokia Sh... Details SP-230054 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0AIMLsys
See details 23.28806141A18.0.0Rel-18Corrections for historical analytics collection Details S2-2302067 agreedSA2#154-AH-eNokia, Nokia Sh... Details SP-230039 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph2
See details 23.28806121B18.0.0Rel-18Key Issue #9: Analytic ID that supports location accuracy estimate Details S2-2302005 agreedSA2#154-AH-eNokia, Nokia Sh... Details SP-230060 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806111B18.0.0Rel-18Key Issue #3: Data and analytics exchange in roaming case Details S2-2301990 agreedSA2#154-AH-eNokia, Nokia Sh... Details SP-230060 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.2880609-B18.0.0Rel-18Service Experience Analytics ID Details S2-2300124 agreedSA2#154-AH-eEricsson Details SP-230060 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.2880608-B18.0.0Rel-18Network performance analytics Details S2-2300122 agreedSA2#154-AH-eEricsson Details SP-230054 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0AIMLsys
See details 23.28806061B18.0.0Rel-18Updates on pending notifications handling Details S2-2301993 agreedSA2#154-AH-eEricsson Details SP-230060 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806047B18.0.0Rel-18Support the Maintenance of Federated Learning Process in 5GC Details S2-2303565 agreedSA2#155Ericsson, NTT D... Details SP-230060 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28806021F18.0.0Rel-18Update ML model provisioning service with Interoperability Information Details S2-2301997 agreedSA2#154-AH-eEricsson Details SP-230060 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28805922B18.0.0Rel-18Enhancing location analytics with finer granularity location information Details S2-2302010 agreedSA2#154-AH-eLenovo, Details SP-230060 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28805644B18.0.0Rel-18Adding Accuracy Checking Capability to NWDAF Architecture Details S2-2303878 agreedSA2#155Huawei, HiSilic... Details SP-230060 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28805577B18.0.0Rel-18Monitoring of accuracy of ML models Details S2-2303562 agreedSA2#155Ericsson, CATT, Vivo Details SP-230060 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28805562B18.0.0Rel-18Updates for Model Provisioning for Analytics of Group UEs Details S2-2301457 agreedSA2#154-AH-eEricsson, Inter... Details SP-230060 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0eNA_Ph3
See details 23.28805555B18.0.0Rel-18Updates for DN performance Analytics of Group UEs Details S2-2303728 agreedSA2#155Ericsson, Huawe... Details SP-230054 approvedSA#99SA WG218.1.0AIMLsys