• Specification number WG Status
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 Spec #CR #Revision #CR CatImpacted VersionTarget ReleaseTitleWG TDoc #CR status at WGWG meeting refWG Source informationTSG TDoc #CR status at TSGTSG meeting refTSG Source informationNew VersionWork ItemsRemarks
See details 32.1510084-B Rel-11CMO qualifier in 32151 Details S5-120578 withdrawnSA5#82Ericsson    
See details 32.1510083-F9.3.0Rel-9Clarification on the meaning of the imported entities Details S5-101907 agreedSA5#72Motorola, ZTE, ... Details SP-100488 approvedSA#49S59.4.0OAM9
See details 32.1510082-A10.0.0Rel-10Clarification on the meaning of the imported entities Details S5-101989 agreedSA5#72Motorola, ZTE, ... Details SP-100488 approvedSA#49S510.1.0OAM9
See details 32.1510081-C9.2.0Rel-10Clarify Attribute constraints Details S5-100349 agreedSA5#69Ericsson Details SP-100036 approvedSA#47S510.0.0OAM10 2G
See details 32.1510019-F9.0.0Rel-10Correct the pseudo subclause numbering Details S5-100463 agreedSA5#69Ericsson Details SP-100036 approvedSA#47S510.0.0OAM10
See details 32.1510017-F9.2.0Rel-9Clarify support qualifier usage in Notification Table in 32.151 Details S5-100085 agreedSA5#69Ericsson Details SP-100035 approvedSA#47S59.3.0OAM9
See details 32.1510016-B9.1.0Rel-9Add template text for Scope section for all IRP IS Details S5-094098 agreedSA5#68Ericsson Details SP-090719 approvedSA#46S59.2.0OAM9
See details 32.1510015-D9.0.0Rel-9Introduce Information Type in IS template Details S5-093474 agreedSA5#67MCC Details SP-090627 approvedSA#45SA59.1.0OAM9
See details 32.1510014-C8.2.1Rel-9Introduce Information Type in IS template Details S5-092490 agreedSA5#65Ericsson Details SP-090290 approvedSA#44S59.0.0OAM9
See details 32.1510013-F8.1.0Rel-8Correct subclause numbering Details S5-091384  SA5#63Ericsson Details SP-090207 approvedSA#43S58.2.0OAM8
See details 32.1510013-F8.1.0Rel-8Correct subclause numbering Details S5-091384 agreedSA5#63Ericsson Details SP-090041 reissuedSA#43S5 OAM8
See details 32.1510012-C8.0.0Rel-8Introduction of traceability in the IS template Details S5-080789 agreed Ericsson Details SP-080329 approvedSA#40S58.1.0OAM8
See details 32.1510011-C7.2.0Rel-8Remove visibility qualifier usage Details S5-071490 agreedSA5#55Ericsson Details SP-070614 approvedSA#37S58.0.0OAM8
See details 32.1510010-F7.2.0Rel-8Add missing instructions for Interface IRP ISs Details S5-071331 agreedSA5#54Ericsson Details SP-070610 approvedSA#37S58.0.0OAM8
See details 32.1510009-F7.2.0Rel-8Correct open issues in the IS template Details S5-071268 agreedSA5#54Ericsson (thoma... Details SP-070610 approvedSA#37S58.0.0OAM8
See details 32.1510008-F7.1.0Rel-7Correct the references of IRPAgent and IRPManager Details S5-070304 agreedSA5#51 Details SP-070045 approvedSA#35ZTE (zhu.weihon...7.2.0OAM7-NIM
See details 32.1510007-F7.1.0Rel-7Improve specification of Common notifications Details S5-070265 agreedSA5#51 Details SP-070045 approvedSA#35Ericsson (thoma...7.2.0OAM7-NIM
See details 32.1510006-F7.1.0Rel-7Suppress inherited items Details S5-070212 agreedSA5#51 Details SP-070045 approvedSA#35Ericsson (thoma...7.2.0OAM7-NIM
See details 32.1510005-F7.0.0Rel-7Correct the clause numbering instructions for Operations and Notifications Details S5-061578 agreedSA5#50 Details SP-060724 approvedSA#34Ericsson7.1.0OAM7-NIM
See details 32.1510004-F6.2.0Rel-7Update of 32.151 to use a MCC supported font Details S5-061090 agreedSA5#49-Bis IRP Methodology Details SP-060548 approvedSA#33S57.0.0OAM7-NIM
See details 32.1510003-F6.2.0Rel-6Correct the definition of supportQualifier and readQualifier for IOC attributes Details S5-061168 agreedSA5#49-Bis IRP Methodology Details SP-060528 approvedSA#33S56.3.0
See details 32.1510002-F6.1.1Rel-6Correction to Conditional qualifiers Details S5-062139 agreedSA5#45 Details SP-060098 approvedSA#31S56.2.0 2G
See details 32.1510001-C6.0.0Rel-6Address 3GPP2 Liaison point 8 from tdoc S5-048704 to have a common notifications section Details S5-056083 agreedSA5#41 Details SP-050023 approvedSA#27S56.1.0