• Specification number WG Status
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 Spec #CR #Revision #CR CatImpacted VersionTarget ReleaseTitleWG TDoc #CR status at WGWG meeting refWG Source informationTSG TDoc #CR status at TSGTSG meeting refTSG Source informationNew VersionWork ItemsRemarks
See details 28.1050070-F17.5.0Rel-17Rel 17 CR TS 28.105 Fix incorrect figure label Details S5-237574 agreedSA5#152Ericsson Details SP-231490 approvedSA#102SA WG517.6.0TEI17
See details 28.10500671F17.5.0Rel-17Rel 17 CR TS 28.105 Resolve issues related to the usage of confidenceIndication attribute Details S5-238124 agreedSA5#152Nokia, Nokia Sh... Details SP-231467 approvedSA#102SA WG517.6.0eMDAS
See details 28.10500641F17.5.0Rel-17TS 28.105 Rel-17 Correction of attribute properties Details S5-238295 agreedSA5#152Ericsson India ... Details SP-231467 approvedSA#102SA WG517.6.0eMDAS
See details 28.10500621F17.5.0Rel-17CR TS 28.105 Rel-17 Correction of IOC name Details S5-238293 agreedSA5#152Ericsson India ... Details SP-231467 approvedSA#102SA WG517.6.0eMDAS
See details 28.10500601F17.5.0Rel-17Rel 17 CR TS 28.105 Remove unused attribute mLEntityList Details S5-238285 agreedSA5#152Ericsson,Nokia Details SP-231467 approvedSA#102SA WG517.6.0eMDAS
See details 28.1050048-F17.5.0Rel-17Rel 17 CR TS 28.105 Clarify the description of confidenceIndication attribute Details S5-236747 agreedSA5#151Nokia, Nokia Sh... Details SP-231490 approvedSA#102SA WG517.6.0TEI17
See details 28.1050046-F17.5.0Rel-17Rel 17 CR TS 28.105 Remove unused decision entity term Details S5-236664 agreedSA5#151Ericsson Details SP-231490 approvedSA#102SA WG517.6.0TEI17
See details 28.1050044-F17.5.0Rel-17Rel-17 CR TS 28.105 Corrections of ML training related use cases description Details S5-236479 agreedSA5#151Huawei Details SP-231490 approvedSA#102SA WG517.6.0TEI17
See details 28.10500421F17.5.0Rel-17Correction on ModelPerformance Details S5-237126 agreedSA5#151Huawei Details SP-231467 approvedSA#102SA WG517.6.0eMDAS