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10 specifications found, displaying 1 to 10
Specification NumberTypeTitleStatusPrimary Responsible Group 
23.205TSBearer-independent circuit-switched core network; Stage 2Under change control C4
See details Internal Common IMS 2G 3G LTE 5G
23.333TSMultimedia Resource Function Controller (MRFC) - Multimedia Resource Function Processor (MRFP) Mp interface: Procedures descriptionsUnder change control C4
See details Internal Common IMS 2G 3G LTE 5G
23.860TREnabling coder selection and rate adaptation for UTRAN and E-UTRAN for load adaptive applications; Stage 2Under change control S2
See details Internal Common IMS 2G 3G LTE 5G
29.162TSInterworking between the IM CN subsystem and IP networksUnder change control C3
See details Internal Common IMS 2G 3G LTE 5G
29.163TSInterworking between the IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem and Circuit Switched (CS) networksUnder change control C3
See details Internal Common IMS 2G 3G LTE 5G
29.232TSMedia Gateway Controller (MGC) - Media Gateway (MGW) interface; Stage 3Under change control C4
See details Internal Common IMS 2G 3G LTE 5G
29.238TSInterconnection Border Control Functions (IBCF) - Transition Gateway (TrGW) interface, Ix interface; Stage 3Under change control C4
See details Internal Common IMS 2G 3G LTE 5G
29.332TSMedia Gateway Control Function (MGCF) - IM Media Gateway; Mn interfaceUnder change control C4
See details Internal Common IMS 2G 3G LTE 5G
29.333TSMultimedia Resource Function Controller (MRFC) - Multimedia Resource Function Processor (MRFP) Mp interface; Stage 3Under change control C4
See details Internal Common IMS 2G 3G LTE 5G
29.334TSIMS Application Level Gateway (IMS-ALG) – IMS Access Gateway (IMS-AGW); Iq Interface; Stage 3Under change control C4
See details Internal Common IMS 2G 3G LTE 5G