WI # 1000056 - NR_UE_PC2_R17_CADC_SUL_xBDL_yBUL-UEConTest
Name: UE Conformance - Rel-17 Power Class 2 UE for NR inter-band CA/DC with or without SUL configurations with x (6>=x>2) bands DL and y (y=1, 2) bands UL
Acronym: NR_UE_PC2_R17_CADC_SUL_xBDL_yBUL-UEConTest
Effective Acronym: NR_UE_PC2_R17_CADC_SUL_xBDL_yBUL-UEConTest
WI Level: Building Block (2nd level)
Type: Work Item
Status: PCG approved
Release: Rel-17
Start date: 2023-06-08
End date: 2025-06-06
Remarks (3)
Creation dateAuthorRemark
2024-03-14 16:00 UTC
14/3/24: ...
2023-12-08 12:40 UTC
8/12/23: FCD:06/06/2024->06/06/2025; Stat Rep: RP-232358->RP-233766;
2023-09-07 15:56 UTC
6/9/23: FCD:06/06/2025->06/06/2024; Compl:0%->9%; Stat Rep: ->RP-232358; Rapporteur: Huawei->Yuxin Hao, Huawei Technologies. Co., Ltd.; Rap eMail: ->haoyuxin@huawei.com;
Parent Work Item: 911009 - Rel-17 Power Class 2 UE for NR inter-band CA with or without SUL configurations with x (16>=x>2) bands DL and y (y=1, 2) bands UL
Child Work Items:
No records to display.
Responsible group(s): R5
Rapporteur(s): Yuxin Hao (Yuxin Hao, Huawei Technologies. Co., Ltd.)
Latest WID version: RP-231247
TSG Approval meeting: 100
PCG Approval meeting: 51
TSG Stopped meeting: -
PCG Stopped meeting: -
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