WI # 14998
Name: Si interface (HSS to IM-SSF)
Effective Acronym:
WI Level: Work Task (3rd Level)
Type: Work Item
Status: Awaiting approval
Release: Rel-5
Start date: 2002-01-16
End date: 2002-08-30
Remarks (1)
Creation dateAuthorRemark
2015-01-22 12:41 UTC
SA16: Part of Rel5 only if completed in September 02. Marked as closed 12/2008 (was marked 72% complete)
Parent Work Item: 10001 - Stage 3 description of IMS interfaces
Child Work Items:
No records to display.
Responsible group(s): N4
Latest WID version: -
TSG Approval meeting: -
PCG Approval meeting: -
TSG Stopped meeting: -
PCG Stopped meeting: -
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