WI # 2348
Name: Adoption of the UTRAN PDCP
Effective Acronym:
WI Level: 4th level
Type: Work Item
Status: Awaiting approval
Release: Rel-5
Start date: 2000-11-06
End date: 2001-12-21
Remarks (2)
Creation dateAuthorRemark
2020-04-24 14:05 UTC
Responsible is GERANĀ¦RAN WG2 help may be needed.
2015-01-22 12:41 UTC
Responsible is GERAN; RAN WG2 help may be needed.
Parent Work Item: 2347 - Alignment with UMTS bearer concept
Child Work Items:
No records to display.
Responsible group(s): GP
Latest WID version: -
TSG Approval meeting: -
PCG Approval meeting: -
TSG Stopped meeting: -
PCG Stopped meeting: -
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