WI # 50064 - FLOGER-Real
Name: Realisation of a Flexible Layer One
Acronym: FLOGER-Real
Effective Acronym: FLOGER-Real
WI Level: Building Block (2nd level)
Type: Work Item
Status: Awaiting approval
Release: Rel-6
Start date: 2000-01-03
End date: 2004-04-23
Remarks (0)
Creation dateAuthorRemark
No Remarks Added
Parent Work Item: 50063 - Flexible Layer One for GERAN
Child Work Items:
Technical Report on Realisation of a Flexible Layer One
Architecture in 45.001 and 43.051
Multiplexing in 45.002
Channel Coding in 45.003 for Realisation of a Flexible Layer One
Performance Requirements in 45.005 for Realisation of a Flexible Layer One
Radio subsystem link control in 45.008 for Realisation of a Flexible Layer One
Requirements in 44.004
Responsible group(s): GP
Rapporteur(s): benoist.sebire@nokia.com (Nokia)
Latest WID version: GP-021019
TSG Approval meeting: -
PCG Approval meeting: -
TSG Stopped meeting: -
PCG Stopped meeting: -
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