WI # 501637 - OSA1
Name: Rel-5 Open Service Access (OSA) enhancements
Acronym: OSA1
Effective Acronym: OSA1
WI Level: Feature (1st level)
Type: Work Item
Status: Awaiting approval
Release: Rel-5
Start date: 1999-04-27
End date: 2002-12-20
Remarks (0)
Creation dateAuthorRemark
No Remarks Added
Parent Work Item: None
Child Work Items:
OSA Security
OSA APIs for Multimedia Call Control
Retrieval of Terminal capabilities
LCS - OSA interfaces
Access to User Profile
Generic user interaction - Stage 3
OSA Charging - Stage 3
Policy Management - Stage 3
Presence and Availability Management (PAM) - Stage 3
Call Control Service Mapping; Multiparty Call Control SIP - Stage 3
WSDL APIs for SOAP/HTTP - Stage 3
General Stage 2 for Rel-5
Interactions OSA - e-commerce
Responsible group(s): S1 , S3
Rapporteur(s): joerg.swetina@neclab.eu (Siemens)
Latest WID version: SP-000216
TSG Approval meeting: -
PCG Approval meeting: -
TSG Stopped meeting: -
PCG Stopped meeting: -
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