WI # 550016 - HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO
Name: Verification of radiated multi-antenna reception performance of UEs in LTE/UMTS
Acronym: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO
Effective Acronym: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO
WI Level: Feature (1st level)
Type: Work Item
Status: PCG approved
Release: Rel-12
Start date: 2012-03-05
End date: 2013-12-06
Remarks (1)
Creation dateAuthorRemark
2015-01-22 12:40 UTC
RP#59 moved to Rel-12. Triggered by FS_HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO_multi-antenna. Core functionality exists since Rel-6 & Rel-7 (MIMO). Adds a very generic test method to test UEs with 2 or more Rx antennas
Parent Work Item: None
Child Work Items:
Perf. Part: Verification of radiated multi-antenna reception performance of UEs in LTE/UMTS
Responsible group(s): R4
Rapporteur(s): Vodafone
Latest WID version: RP-120368
TSG Approval meeting: 55
PCG Approval meeting: 28
TSG Stopped meeting: -
PCG Stopped meeting: -
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