WI # 790052 - MCImp-UEConTest
Name: UE Conformance Test Aspects - Mission Critical Improvements
Acronym: MCImp-UEConTest
Effective Acronym: MCImp-UEConTest
WI Level: Building Block (2nd level)
Type: Work Item
Status: PCG approved
Release: Rel-14
Start date: 2018-03-15
End date: 2019-12-13
Remarks (3)
Creation dateAuthorRemark
2020-10-11 14:50 UTC
25/9/20: 5%->100
2020-04-24 14:04 UTC
tested: REL-14 WI MCImp (SA/CT WI: Mission Critical Improvements)¦to provide conformance test specifications for the Rel-14 core requirements for improvements to Mission Critical Services (MCPTT, MCVideo and MCData).;
2018-03-27 08:34 UTC
tested: REL-14 WI MCImp (SA/CT WI: Mission Critical Improvements); to provide conformance test specifications for the Rel-14 core requirements for improvements to Mission Critical Services (MCPTT, MCVideo and MCData).
Parent Work Item: 700027 - Mission Critical Improvements
Child Work Items:
No records to display.
Responsible group(s): R5
Rapporteur(s): NIST
Latest WID version: RP-180527
TSG Approval meeting: 79
PCG Approval meeting: 40
TSG Stopped meeting: -
PCG Stopped meeting: -
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