WI # 810041 - 5G_SRVCC
Name: Single radio voice continuity from 5GS to 3G
Acronym: 5G_SRVCC
Effective Acronym: 5G_SRVCC
WI Level: Feature (1st level)
Type: Work Item
Status: PCG approved
Release: Rel-16
Start date: 2018-03-15
End date: 2021-12-10
Remarks (0)
Creation dateAuthorRemark
No Remarks Added
Parent Work Item: None
Child Work Items:
Study for single radio voice continuity from 5GS to 3G
Single radio voice continuity from 5GS to 3G
Security aspects of single radio voice continuity from 5GS to UTRAN
RAN aspects of 5G_SRVCC
CT aspect of 5G_SRVCC
Responsible group(s): -
Rapporteur(s): Chi Ren (Chi Ren, China Unicom)
Latest WID version: SP-180737
TSG Approval meeting: 81
PCG Approval meeting: 41
TSG Stopped meeting: -
PCG Stopped meeting: -
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