2024-09-15 Version 5.1

EOL User Guide Meeting Documents

The Meetings Document facilities can be used to electronically manage document allocation for a meeting. In order for this facility to be available, an official must first create a document set for the meeting. Once this has been done, then meeting numbers can be reserved for that meeting and subsequently the reservation can be modified, withdrawn and restored.

Meeting Documents: List of Meeting Documents

The list of documents shows you the document numbering sequence for a meeting. This is only available if the numbering sequence is managed electronically.

The default view is a summary list containing all documents. You are then given the following display options:

  • View What: you can select to view all documents in the list, to view only active document, or to view only withdrawn documents.
  • Detailed List: selecting the detailed list option will display more details about each document: title, document name, filename, source, list of abstracts, list of document types and, optionally, the abstract. Otherwise, only the filename, title, and source will be displayed.
  • Sort By: you can display the list of documents sorted by document names, by allocations or by document types. Sorting by allocations or by document types might result in the same document being shown more then once if it belongs to more then one allocation.
  • Show Abstract: you can select to have the abstract of a document displayed in the list. This option is only valid for the detailed view.
  • Display: in order to take your selection into account and show the resulting list, you need to click on the Display button.

The summary list displays the filename, with a link (shown by underlining the filename) to the actual document if it was uploaded using the correct name, the title of the document and the source of the document.

The detailed list displays the type of document (document, addendum, document revision, addendum revision), the document title, the document name, the filename, with a link (shown by underlining the filename) to the actual document if it was uploaded using the correct name, the list of allocations associated with the document, the list of content types attached to the document, the source of the document, the spec of the document, the CR Number of the document, the revision of CR Number of the document, and, optionally, the abstract for the document.

Note: A link to the document is visible if the document appears in the FTP area for the meeting it belongs to and it was given the reserved name. Optionally, extra characters can appear in the document name, as long as the prefix, document number, and suffix first appear followed by an empty space. For example, if the name '17TD005r1.doc' was reserved, the following filename could be used: '17TD005r1Technical body xx meeting report.doc' and still be found by the application.

Next to each document in the list, the following icons allow you to manage a single document:

Link to view the details of the document reservation

Link to edit the document reservation details

Link to withdraw the document reservation

Link to restore the withdrawn document reservation

Link to upload a file

At the end of the list, the following details are shown:

  • Numbers Reserved: the total numbers reserved. This total includes withdrawn numbers.
  • Numbers Withdrawn: the total numbers that have been withdrawn. A number is considered withdrawn if all documents, addenda, and revisions for that number have been withdrawn.
  • Number of Addenda: the total numbers of document addenda. This total includes withdrawn addenda.
  • Number of Revisions: the total numbers of document revisions and addenda revisions. This total includes withdrawn revisions.
  • Date Last Updated: the last time a document reservation was created, modified, withdrawn, or restored.
  • Files Uploaded: the total number of files uploaded in the meeting document area with the correct name.
  • Date Last Upload: the last time a document with the correct name was uploaded in the meeting document area.
Meeting Documents: Viewing a Document Reservation Details

You can view all the document reservation details by selecting the icon next to that document in the list of all documents.

If the document file is found then a link (shown by underlining the filename) to that document will be provided along with some information about that document size and modification dates.

Note: A document file can be found if the document appears in the FTP area for the meeting it belongs to and it was given the reserved name. Optionally, extra characters can appear in the document name, as long as the prefix, document number, and suffix first appear followed by an empty space. For example, if the name '17TD005r1.doc' was reserved, the following filename could be used: '17TD005r1 Technical body xx meeting report.doc' and still be found by the application.

Meeting Documents: Reserving a New Document Number

You can electronically reserve a new document number for a meeting. Fill in the details of the document to be associated with that number. Fields marked with * must be completed:

  • TITLE: Enter the document title
  • SOURCE - select from the drop down menu or add free text (e.g. organization name or anything else which is appropriate)
  • ALLOCATION to agenda items, projects etc. is optional and must be assigned separately,
  • FILE You can either modify the document file name by entering free text that will be appended to it or choose to append the document title to the filename.
  • CONTENT TYPE – Select the type of contribution from drop down menu
  • FILE EXTENSION: Indicate type of document from drop down menu or type free text.
  • CHANGE REQUEST: If content type is "Change Request" then click on the "Manage" button and indicate the specification, version and a new change request or a revision to an existing change request.
  • ABSTRACT: any additional information of relevance about your contribution (e.g. scope, technical content, brief description)

When data is entered click reserve new document. This will then show you a summary record of the document reservation.

Meeting Documents: Reserving a New Anonymous Document Number

If the document set of the meeting allows anonymous reservation you can electronically reserve a document without any username and password.

To reserve an Anonymous Document, fill in your personal details (Your name, your Organization Name and Your email address) then fill in the details of the document to be associated with that number. Fields marked with * must be completed:

  • TITLE: Enter the document title
  • SOURCE - select from the drop down menu or add free text (e.g. organization name or anything else which is appropriate)
  • ALLOCATION to agenda items, projects etc. is optional and must be assigned separately,
  • FILE You can either modify the document file name by entering free text that will be appended to it or choose to append the document title to the filename.
  • CONTENT TYPE – Select the type of contribution from drop down menu
  • FILE EXTENSION: Indicate type of document from drop down menu or type free text.
  • ABSTRACT: any additional information of relevance about your contribution (e.g. scope, technical content, brief description)

When data is entered click reserve new document. This will then show you a summary record of the document reservation.

Having reserved your number, and written your document (with the correct TD template), please send your document to the relevant support group so that it can be uploaded in the meeting directory.

For example with BRAN (replace with the relevant TB name) send your document to BRANsupport@etsi.org.

Meeting Documents: Modifying a Document Reservation

Only the document owner and the officials are able to modify an existing document. (Excepted for anonymous documents)

You can modify a document reservation details by selecting the icon next to that document in the list of all documents or by selecting the "Update Document Details" link available when viewing the details of a document.

All details (excepted Change Request management) specified when reserving a document can be modified. The same fields are mandatory (indicated with a *).

Meeting Documents: Withdrawing a Document Reservation

Only the document owner and the officials are able to withdraw an existing document. (Excepted for anonymous documents)

You can withdraw a document reservation details by selecting the icon next to that document in the list of all documents or by selecting the "Withdraw Document" link available when viewing the details of a document.

If you have reserved a number and then decide not to use it or if duplication has occurred then you can withdraw the reservation. You will be asked to confirm you action.

A withdrawn document reservation will still be visible in the document list (shown as withdrawn), but it will not be possible to modify it.

Note: a number is considered withdrawn only if all documents, addenda, and revisions for that number have been withdrawn.

Meeting Documents: Uploading a file

Only the document owner and the officials are able to upload a file. (Excepted for anonymous documents)

You can upload file by selecting the icon next to that document in the list of all documents or by selecting the "Upload file" link available when viewing the details of a document.

You simply have to browse for a file with the same extension as the one provided during the document pre-reservation.

Meeting Documents: Restoring a Withdrawn Document Reservation

Only the document owner and the officials are able to restore a withdrawn document. (Excepted for anonymous documents)

You can restore a withdrawn document reservation details by selecting the icon next to that document in the list of all documents or by selecting the "Restore Document" link available when viewing the details of a document.

Meeting Documents: Document Addendum

You can create a document addendum to be attached to a document reservation.

In order to create a document addendum, view the details of the document it will be linked to, then click on the "Submit Document Addendum" button. You will then be asked for the details of the addendum. Mandatory fields are indicated with a star "*". Once you have completed the form, click on the "Create Addendum" button and a name will be automatically reserved for you, taking into account that this is an addendum.

Document addenda appear in the list of documents for a meeting.

Meeting Documents: Document Revision and Addendum Revision

You can reserve a document revision if you need to contribute a revision to a contribution. It is also possible to create a revision for an addendum.

In order to create a document or addendum revision, view the details of that document and then click on the "Submit Document Revision" button. You will then be asked for the details of the revision. Mandatory fields are indicated with a star "*". By default, the details contain the same information as the document it will be attached to, just modify them as needed. Once you have completed the form, click on the "Create Revision" button and a name will be automatically reserved for you, taking into account that this is a revision.

Document revisions and addendum revisions appear in the list of documents for a meeting.

Meeting Documents: Document Area (FTP)

The link "Document Area" leads to an FTP site where all the documents for that meeting can be found.

When accessing the FTP area, you might be requested to login, as the security depends on the technical body organizing the meeting.

In the meeting document area, if document sequences are reserved electronically, then you will also find a file containing the list of documents.

Meeting Documents: List of Meeting Documents in Document Area

If documents for a meeting are reserved electronically, then one or two files containing the list of active reserved document numbers will be present in the document area for that meeting. The name and type of file(s) generated is defined in the document set for that meeting.

There are 3 possible formats for that list: as an HTML file, as a TEXT file, or as a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file.

Document List as HTML

The HTML list displays the type of document (document, addendum, document revision, addendum revision), the document title, the document name, the filename, with a relative link (shown by underlining the filename) to the actual document if it was uploaded using the correct name, the list of allocations associated with the document, the list of content types attached to the document, the source of the document, the spec of the document, the CR Number of the document, the revision of CR Number of the document, and the abstract for the document.

Note: A relative link to the document is visible if the document appears in the FTP area for the meeting it belongs to and it was given the reserved name. Optionally, extra characters can appear in the document name, as long as the prefix, document number, and suffix first appear followed by an empty space. For example, if the name '17TD005r1.doc' was reserved, the following filename could be used: '17TD005r1 Technical body xx meeting report.doc' and still be found by the application.

At the end of the list, the following details are shown:

  • Numbers Reserved: the total numbers reserved. This total includes withdrawn numbers.
  • Numbers Withdrawn: the total numbers that have been withdrawn. A number is considered withdrawn if all documents, addenda, and revisions for that number have been withdrawn.
  • Number of Addenda: the total numbers of document addenda. This total includes withdrawn addenda.
  • Number of Revisions: the total numbers of document revisions and addenda revisions. This total include withdrawn revisions.
  • Date Last Updated: the last time a document reservation was created, modified, withdrawn, or restored.
  • Files Uploaded: the total number of files uploaded in the meeting document area with the correct name.
  • Date Last Upload: the last time a document with the correct name was uploaded in the meeting document area.
Note: Check the generation date and time to be sure you have an up to date document list.

Document List as TEXT

The TEXT list displays the document name, the filename, the document title, the source of the document, the reservation details (name of the person who did the reservation with the name of their organisation, and the date and time of the reservation), the list of allocations associated with the document, the list of content types attached to the document, and the abstract for the document.

Document List as CSV

The CSV list displays the document name, the filename, the document title, the source of the document, the name of the person who did the reservation, the name of the organisation the reservation was made for, the date and time of the reservation, the list of allocations associated with the document, the list of content types attached to the document, and the abstract for the document.

A CSV file is best viewed using a tool such as Microsoft Excel that will let you separate the data into columns by using the commas as column delimiters. This is a flexible format that allows anyone to customize the resulting list by simply moving columns around and even deleting some of the columns.

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