2024-09-15 Version 5.1

EOL User Guide Meeting Documents

Application History

Meeting Documents Version 4.2 - July 2002

Update of the Document Type list

The Document Type list has changed:
  • Participant List and Invitation have been merged into Meeting Details
  • Agenda and Meeting Schedule have been merged into Meeting Agenda / Meeting Schedule
  • Action List and Minutes have been merged into Output Report
  • Board Document and OCG Document have been merged into Other Informational Input (except for the Board, OCG and GA bodies)
  • Two new types have been created : Input Report and Other Technical Input
  • The type Other has been deleted
  • All the existing documents have been updated accordingly
Meeting Documents Version 4.1 - September 2001

Release of the New Layout

The color significance of documents is still the same:
  • Dark blue: regular document
  • Light blue: annex or revision to an existing regular document
  • Dark green: anonymous document
  • Light green: annex or revision to an existing anonymous document
  • Grey: withdrawn document
Document Set Management Version 4.0 - Released 18 Apr 2001

Document Set Management is a subset of the ADN application. It handles all document sets management functionality.

Document Set Creation
  • Anonymous Document Reservation: when creating a new document set, officers can now decide if users will be able to reserve documents anonymously i.e. without any username and password.
  • Document Pre-Reservation: when creating a new document set, officers can pre-reserve some document numbers. These documents will be created with the same document information (title, source, allocations) than those from the last meeting for this Technical Body regarding the Document and File Name Structures of the current document set.
  • Joint Meetings: Document set creation is now available for Joint Meetings provided that they have a main lead Technical Body defined.
Document Set Modification
  • Reservation dates: it is now possible to modify the document set start and end dates of reservation
Document Reservation and Modification
  • Anonymous Reservation: if the document set allows it, it is now possible to reserve anonymous documents by providing your name, organization and email address.
  • Document Modification: only the document owner and the officials can modify/withdraw or restore a document.
Document List
  • Document Type: the document list can now be sorted by document type

ADN Light Version 4.0 - Released 21 Aug 2000

ADN Light is a subset of the ADN application. It handles all document management functionality. What is not included is the management of a document set associated with a meeting. For document set management, the old ADN application is still available and should be used.

  • Integration with Calendar of Meetings: the navigation to all document reservation information is now done via the calendar of meetings. New links are provided when viewing a document details that allow to view the list of documents for that meeting, to reserve a new document number, and to navigate to the FTP area holding all the documents for that meeting.
  • Stand-Alone Pages: all pages can now be accessed directly, with a single parameter (either the meeting identifier or the document identifier depending on the page). This will allow links to a document list, or a document details, or even to the page to reserve a new document number to be easily sent to people via email or to be included into a web page.
  • Frames: the application no longer uses frames. This allows for greater flexibility in the navigation.
  • Contextual Menu: a menu to different meetings and meeting documents options is now available at the bottom of each page of the Meeting Documents application.
Document List
  • Link to Uploaded Files: the link to the uploaded document no longer requires the filename to be exactly the same as the name reserved. The document can also be found if the beginning of its name corresponds to the filename reserved followed by a space and then a file extension. Between the space and the file extension, any string can be used. Any file extension can be used and will still be found (this is to allow the use of ZIP file).
  • Security: a username is no longer needed when viewing the list of documents for a meeting.
  • Statistics: the numbers appearing at the bottom of the document list have changed. Now shown are the total of numbers reserved, the total numbers withdrawn, the total of addenda, the total of revisions, the last date a modification to a reservation was done, the total number of files uploaded with the correct name, and the last date a file was uploaded with the correct name.
  • Summary List: you now have 2 different types of document lists available: a summary list for quick scanning of the list and a detailed list for viewing more information. A checkbox allows to switch between the 2 types of lists.
  • Document List Generation: the document list generation saved in the FTP area for that meeting is always generated whenever there is any changes done to a reservation. This is no longer dependent on the rights of the person making the change.
  • Relative Links in Static Document List: the HTML document list saved in the FTP area for that meeting now contains relative links to found documents. This will allow people to copy the whole directory and still have the links work and point to their local files.
  • Reserving a New Number: the message appearing after a successful document number reservation is always indicating that the reservation was successfully completed and it shows the details of the document number reserved.
  • Addendum and Revision Creation: in order to avoid conflict between 2 users doing a reservation for an addendum or a revision for the same document at the same time, the name reserved is only shown after the reservation has been completed.
  • Stylesheets: Stylesheets are now being used in some of the pages of the Meeting Documents application. These allow lighter pages and more flexibility in changing the formatting.
  • Help: The user guide has been rewritten to comply with the new interface.
  • Document Path Abstraction: The application is now more flexible in terms of where it needs to be installed as the path, where the documents are accessible, can now be abstracted. This is done via a database table that allows to resolve a path based on the computer name where the application is running.
  • Architecture: Last but not least, although not visible, the architecture behind the document management has been totally redesigned to make it more scaleable.

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